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PGA rainstorm could help Valhalla bite back after Schauffele's record start

来源:Stellar Standpoint news portal编辑:world时间:2024-06-03 17:34:50

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (AP) — There’s rain in the forecast and lots of low numbers on the scoreboard.

Could Friday at the PGA Championship be remembered as the day Valhalla bit back?

Even if it does, is there any stopping Xander Schauffele?

The 30-year-old Californian took advantage of calm, soft conditions on opening day to set the PGA record with a 9-under 62 that gave him a three-shot lead after one of the lowest-scoring rounds in the tournament’s history.

A record 64 players broke par, rewriting the record for a first round at the PGA that was last set when 60 players finished in the red at Medinah in 2006, according to the Elias Sports Bureau.

Elias said entering this week, Schauffele has the lowest all-time career first-round scoring average in major championships (69.81) among those who have appeared in at least 25. But a player still looking for his first major knows there’s a big difference between the first 18 holes and the last 18 holes.

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